Paintings have been added to my Print Drop/ QandA

Jesus, Elvis, Dolly..come see what's in store

I’ve had the largest jump in subscribers over this past week since launching my newsletter and I’m so grateful to share my love for painting with ya’ll. Thank you for joining! And thank you to the subscribers who’ve been here since day one.

I’ll answer some quick questions I’ve gotten below about prints and show the paintings chosen so far to be included in my drop. Giveaways coming soon- don’t miss ‘em.

Q: “What is a Print Drop”

A: A release of prints chosen by me and many of ya’ll in past newsletters, available for 3 days only this year! November 1st-3rd is the date of when my print drop is live.

Q: “What are the prices and sizes per print?”

A: A pricing/size list will be sent on Friday, October 27th, along with a preview of every available print.

Q: “How many prints will be made and are they on paper or canvas?”

A: I will have both paper prints signed and numbered by me and an option for a hand embellished canvas print signed in paint.

The paper prints will be a timed edition meaning the edition is set by the number of prints purchased within the 3 day window.

The canvas prints will be special. Heavily embellished- only a set number of canvas prints will be available and when they're gone they're gone. The edition number for these will be revealed soon.

No print during this years drop will ever be made again- mark your calendars and be ready.

Now for the fun stuff- here’s the paintings chosen so far to be included.





“The Optimist”


“The Road to Crimson Skies”


I’ll be letting y’all know more paintings that will be added in the next newsletter.

For you new subscribers- the first 100 orders placed will get “The Collector’s Box”. A free box of curated mini collector’s prints plus other collector’s items TBA- shipped along with your order.

As always, thank you for being a part of my newsletter family. See you next Friday.



or to participate.